She’s a sensitive, kind girl who’s loyalty means everything. Mei-Li will follow you to the end of the world even if you break her heart. Although losing Mei-Li would be the stupidest thing you could do. Mei-Li’s are insanely intelectual and empathetic, but can easily be made feel second best. Treat Mei-Li like a Queen.
How to spot a Mei-Li:
-Love books
-Always have headphones on
-Chug boiling tea and soup like it’s nothing
-Love making and giving gifts. Don’t tell them you like something, they will buy or give you ten of said thing
-Probably secretly a ninja
-Shy, but definitely have a hot hidden tattoo
“Sorry I roasted you, I was trying to flirt” -Mei-Li
“I’m a ten but I need fake scenarios to fall asleep” - Mei-Li
Person 1: Hmmm... Shlud li?
Person 2: Did you just say: 'shlud li'?
Person 1: Bruh.
The scale and scope of lies so huge that when you look deep into them there is not one shred of truth to cling to.
Jaclyn told Bette Davis lies, of a Hollywood scale and a panorama so large that one could not see the bottom of them. They simply sucked you in and never let you out!
Anything related to tekno/rave parties (clothing, music, etc)
Felice liso rattn tattn tattn TUNZ TUNZ
When you make a really big lie, and then make smaller lies or excuses to back up the big lie.
“I totally went to class! I didnt skip. i’m a good kid.”
we all know what this means! wait you arent from sweden? oh then you wont understand our languängä.
hejdå då.
you är minä.
no im nöt
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