Source Code

Log Cabin

Where you have sex with a girl, and when she falls asleep, call some buddies over to help you shit on all for sides of the bed, so the next morning, she'll be trapped in a "log cabin" and can't get out of the bed.

"Dude! My girl's passed out, come over and help me build a log cabin for her."

Marshall: "The bitch just fell asleep after sex. Tha fuck."
Stuart: "She totally deserves to wake up in a log cabin."

by eaglefire007 July 26, 2011

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log splitter

refers to when a man is putting his penis into an anus, usually referring to homosexual sex. The penis is possibly in the anus splitting turds/logs in half as it penetrates. It does not have to be a homosexual act, the man can split the logs of a woman as well.

#1 Have you seen John and Bryan lately?

#2 No, have you?

#1 Yeah, they were holding hands at the park. I never thought they would turn out to be log splitters! Prison can change a man I guess.

by Christobon December 19, 2007

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Mossy Log

While laying down naked, have your bitch throw up in your asshole, then, shit it right back into her mouth.

"I gave that bitch 2 bottles of pepto bismol, then she threw up all over. what a great mossy log."

by ballcuzzi May 5, 2005

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web log

I am referring to blog for this one :)

Please check out my web log. I update it every day :)

by Sapphire X January 4, 2005

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The Penis.

Hey bitch suck my man-log!

by Derich October 21, 2002

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Fire log

The type of shit that makes your ass hole burn.


Another word for doing a number 2.

Person 1: Person 2 where have you been, You have been gone for ages.

Person 2: I went to make some fire logs.

by M.Doyle September 29, 2007

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log cabin

When 5 or more people shit on someone's face. Much like a bukkake, but with more possible gender/role permutations. Less than 5 is a "Foot Bridge."

We gave the gimp a log cabin last night. I reckon Skeeter had Chipolte for lunch.

We were a couple short for a log cabin, but Washington could have crossed the Delaware on the foot bridge we gave Sally.

by Dgoes October 15, 2009

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