A Filipino fruit loop is when two Filipinos eat fruit loops out of each others booty holes
Boy 1: did you see those guys last night?
Boy 2: nah, what was it?
Boy 1: they were Filipino fruit looping on the lunch table.
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What you’d say to encourage someone to do their thing. Synonymous with “Whatever floats your boat.”
SOMEBODY: “Dude – last week I got a pet pig. Named her Carla.”
THAT SOMEBODY’S FRIEND: “… whatever froots your loops, bro."
this is yelled by someone's father from the driver's seat when the vehicle is moving at a high rate of speed and hits a dip in the road.
Everyone hold on tight, we are about to "shoot the loop with plastic poop!"
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A defect in ability to reason objectively and think abstractly, especially prevalent among politicians, bureaucrats, and other members of the establishment. Basically, it is the inability to compare 2 analogous things, when one of them is legal and the other is illegal. For example, comparing the harms of an illegal activity with a legal one, or taxes to extortion racket, or the government to the mafia.
The perfect example of the illegality logic loop: someone might claim,
“You can’t compare the harm of a legal activity with an illegal one.”
“Why not?” you would ask.
“Because one’s illegal.”
“Why is it illegal?”
“Because it’s harmful.”
“Don’t we need to compare the harms to determine if an activity should be illegal? …(long pause)… “You can’t compare the harm of a legal activity with an illegal one!”
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No. The Infinite feedback loops I was talking about. Me. Not him.
Hym "You mean the Infinite feedback loops that I was talking about? Yeah... I'm a genius. Another brilliant observation from the guy you reference 100 times a week. See how little effort what you do takes for me? How many people have I saved? In 5 years? The mass shootings have gone down (because 😩 I'm a genius and you're not😩). I tell the Chinese people to rise up. The next day? Articles about just that. Should I do the Muslims next? CEOs maybe? That's gotta sting. And that what I think the real issue is: it's not the insinuations. It's that I said anyone could do the thing you do. And I was wrong! I'm just exceptional. Absolutely brilliant. A Goddamn genius. Wow! What a good job, me! ThAnKs oThEr Me! Am I just imitating competence? That's one hell of an imitation! That is some Itachi Uchiha level genjutsu right there! Even the imitation is so good it's laudable! Wonder how well my Logos works in the midst of a societal collapse 🤔 Guess we'll find out. No doubt better than yours but that's the feature and not the bug. It's gotta be weird to not be an archetypal figure. I can only vaguely remember what that feels like... Have fun with that! I'm also a cult leader too so, technically, I too am a prophet. Except with more of an impact."
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The ISL is a little known trick for making your internet, sound cards, cable modems, and other computer attachments run faster. What you do is plug them into the 9-pin serial connection of your computer, but first bridge pin's 7 and 8 together causing an infinite speed loop... Makes them go fastah!
Dude, my new soundcard works so much better now that I got it caught in an ISL - Infinite Speed Loop!
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Getting addicted to looking at/ sending e-mails, letting several hours go by being oblivious to everything but your own e-mail world.
Person A: I thought we were going to hang out 2 hours ago...
Person B: I know....I got stuck in an e-mail coma/loop, forgetting about the time. Sorry. I had a never ending circle of e-mails to read. I haven't checked my e-mail in a month, resulting in 1,356 unread e-mails...I totally forgot about it...Sorry!!
Person A: Oh I see...ya that happens to me all the time..Anyway, How about hanging out tommorow?
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