Source Code

Lung Cheese

The mucus build-up that is hacked out during a coughing fit.

*takes hit*
*holds hit*
*coughs uncontrollably*
*loogie flies out*
"Damn lung cheese, gotta cut back on the cancer sticks."

by CbaLove46290 February 4, 2014

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muffler lungs

When you take humongous hits out of a bong, pipe, blunt, or joint and swallow it without choking or coughing !

Sam : *Takes a bong rip , milks it then swallows it*
Isaiah: Damn bro you got muffler lungs !!

by ChiefDub November 26, 2015

muffler lungs

Being able to inhale a large quanity of smoke (pipe, blunt, joint,or a bong) then swallows the smoke without chocking or coughing on the smoke

Person 1:Hit this shit bruh.

Person 2: (Inhales alot of weed)(Swallows and doesnt choke)
Person 1: Damn bro you have muffler lungs!!!

by ChiefDub November 25, 2015

Barbie Lung

Having zero capacity to hold the smoke in. Coughs violently from Reggie.

Damn, she hit the bong so hard, she died. That girl has Barbie Lung. R.I.P.

by 210Tex May 5, 2020


The act of smoking tobacco or drugs

Last night I lunged 3 joints and I was cooked.

by Scaramouche April 7, 2015

Lung Lizard

Long, yellow or green, excretion from nasal passage or throat. The Lung Lizard often has small eyes and scales, almost unnoticeable by human eyes.

WARNING! Clean up a Lung Lizard quickly before it escapes and devours all it can find!

I coughed up a lung lizard!

by Feudalkaos February 28, 2012

lung cake

a smoke except a large arm sized one

dude the bikers call ciggerets lung cookies then one said he needed a lung cake

by eric bratcher January 4, 2009