The name given to a really comfortable bed
I am going to go to my Melon Tree and sleep
Persons who identify themselves as watermelons on social media. It is common on Twitter whereby users to add watermelon emoji on their bio or names.
It is a trans thing.
ABCD identifies as a trans melon
I am a trans melon
Slang term in porn meaning sexual intercourse between several big-breasted women.
"Whoa, I'd like to dip my spoon in that melon soup!"
Name of an individual with remarkably large jugs. Typically resemble the shape of watermelons. Individuals with these characteristics frequently locate in southern Queensland.
located in
That bird has “big juicy melon tits”
The grizzly melon is the single most feared entity anyone can encounter on the battlefield. It has powers beyond the imagination of any human and can use them to their full effects on any oponent it chooses without warning. It does have a softer side where it enjoys karaoke and lightweight dominoes, but is still unpredictable and ruthless. Beware of the grizzly melon.
Look out dude. It's a grizzly melon.
A phrase which typically describes a stupid person, or someone who has just done sonething idiotic.
Guy 1: Have you seen what that bloke over there's just done?
Guy 2: Yeah that was stupid, what a melon farmer.
A person who is a fucking brainlet and I mean really fucking stupid, fucking retarded spunk bubble
Person 1:Leo is a fucking Melon Wipe