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Meme Companies

An expression of joy. Very often used by the late David Bowie though he only said it once in recorded history.

Guy 1: Wow, isn't that thing epic?

Guy 2: "Meme Companies!"

Guy 1: Exactly, it is very epic.

by Imagineer June 23, 2020

Meme Friend

A meme friend, sometimes refered to as, " the meme of the friend" is the lowest form of friendship. Often the kind of person who would " break one's arm, in two places". A meme friend might not meet up with you at the weekend, or suddenly disappear. If you are called a, "meme friend" it means they prefer some other friend/ friend group. To be "more than a meme friend" this might inflict a "special" relationship between two people. Futhermore, a meme friend isn't a serious friend, only one that you don't take seriously, which you can't talk to about your life problems. Finally, to call someone a, "meme friend" is highly offencive, to not apologise to your victim, is very harsh and unforgivable.

" I don't see you guys as my real friends... you're more like my, "MEME FRIENDS"!

"Hey, do you think James will come out at the weekend", response, " Nah, he's more of a, MEME FRIEND".

Offensively; " You're such a MEME friend! I hate you!"

by Rabbit's Warren April 23, 2018

Stale Meme

A meme that has been used by normies, Is overused and is unfunny now or if Behind The Meme has made a video on it.

Guy 1:Dat boi, lol, grumpy cat memes are funny,
Guy 2:Normie! Those are stale memes!
Guy 1:What is a normie? I just find out memes from Behind The Meme,
Guy 2:You're a bigger normie than i thought.

by WigglesTheFox October 29, 2017

Meme Stealer

One who steals memes, a crime against the human race, punishable by death. These people have no life or original humor and thrive off of stealing or reusing others' memes. They are generally retarded and single because they were born as internet criminals

"The city will be having a public execution of the 12 meme stealers that were caught this weekend."

by The anti-scrub February 16, 2016

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Meme wolfhard

Meme wolf hard is Finn wolf hard being a living Meme such as making funny faces and being funny

That's not Finn wolfhard thatd meme wolfhard

by Jack's adidas beanie December 19, 2017

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Dank memes

β€œDank Memes” is an ironic expression used to mock online viral media and in-jokes that have exhausted their comedic value to the point of being trite or clichΓ©. In this context, the word β€œdank,” originally coined as a term for high quality marijuana, is satirically used as a synonym for β€œcool.”

Wow those r sum dank memes u got there son

by Gojags54 January 6, 2016

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meme kid

6th-10th graders that only talk about dank memes and other overused internet trends. They can usually be found in the comments section of cringe compilations making edgy remarks to "fit in" because of this, their understanding of society comes from the internet which leads them to have poor judgement.They're also known to be very annoying and obnoxious.

Jeff is such a meme kid! All he does is make 9/11 jokes and talk about cringe vids.

by QuantumPhantom March 13, 2016

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