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Mini Cronic

A miniture form of hockey in which you play on carpet on your knees with miniture hockey sticks. AKA Mini Hockey

"Yo, put down that pink and lets play some Mini Cronic"

by Robbie England December 20, 2006

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mini mosher

a little lad or ladette stil tryin to find there identify....(*hense da mini part ov mini mosher*)

p.s fr all use u think mini moshers r tryin 2 b goth by saying that no1 understand them then i have sum advice look definition of goth or IDIOT!!!

a lil kid dts all hyper n screamin normally wid an mp3 player blastin dwn his ear (*no reason hes screamin *)

****step on that piece ov shit mini mosher n walk away wid a smile frm a job wel done****

by spudlink July 6, 2006

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A face that launched 1 ship.

Nice kid, but kinda plain; a mini-Helen.

by Jeffry Finer December 17, 2003

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Mini Beast

The cutest little baby in the whole world...maybe he's cuter than YOUR baby!! Usually named Paul or Rico
Smaller than the original beast, hence the name MINI beast.

What is that??

Oh, thats a Mini Beast

by labradorss August 13, 2008

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mini wheats

another word for spectacular or amazing.

Leanne your mini wheats!

by Lily Gamble January 21, 2009

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mini me

The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or desires to someone or something as a naive or unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt.

When a cheating spouse accused the non-cheating spouse of cheating.

by Kristie Mansfield December 6, 2003

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Mini Cooper

Getting fisted ever so gently by a midget similar but not to be confused with the minivan. Often hard to obtain since midgets are shy but easily obtainable for the right price.

Josh:Jen and I saw you come home with a midget last night did she give you the good old mini cooper?

Jimmy: Why yes. I did receive that rare delicacy and was able to obtain the best orgasm I've ever had

Josh: So who you voting for?

Jimmy: Id appreciate it if you didn't ask a personal question like that. Im trying to tell you how I got dusted by a midget

by slippyfistfez January 26, 2014

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