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you know what fuck you

the best way to end a conversation about a conflict or something stupid.

guy1: A tomato is a fruit not a vegetable.
guy2: No its a vegetable!
guy1: No, it's a fruit. see it says that a tomato is in the fruit family in Websters Dictionary!
guy2: You know what fuck you!

by man with the flow February 9, 2006

138πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Corner of Eat Shit and Fuck You

An infamous intersection between two roads called Eat Shit and Fuck You. Often frequented by assholes.

If you want to get rid of someone annoying, tell them to meet you at the corner of β€˜Eat Shit and Fuck You’!

Meet me at the corner of Eat Shit and Fuck You!

by kam75xx January 21, 2019

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Fuck you you stupid fucking cunt, You FUCKING WHORE

Something your mom says when she's driving.

"Fuck you you stupid fucking cunt, You FUCKING WHORE" you mom says.
"Mum stop yelling"

by urmom(; June 6, 2022

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Fuck you with something hard and sandpapery

A creative insult first coined in the song "Let me borrow that top" by kelly, generally used in a joking manner to break up the monotonous "Fuck you! No fuck you!" line of trash talking

"Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you with something hard and sandpapery!"

by Adam Owada May 7, 2008

283πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

fuck you/thank you

When another being gives you a passive aggressive compliment and you are unsure of their true feelings behind it. As in, is this a compliment or an insult??πŸ€”

Being#1: I just wanted to thank you for coming to visit me. It feels really good to know that I can trust you with my most private information and that you would never induce shame or humiliate me.

Being#2: ummm.... Is this a fuck you/thank you?? (Internal dialogue: Are you trying to imply that I did use your personal information against you to induce shame and humiliate you??πŸ€”)

Being#1: Why would you say that??

Being#2 physical response:🀷🏽

Being#2 Internal dialogue response: because I have a guilty consciousπŸ˜”

by Iam MvP November 27, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

National fuck you Kai day

January 7 is the national day for everyone to express their hatred for any known Kai.

β€œFuck you Kai, it’s National fuck you Kai day.”

by Nintenfrogs October 17, 2022

Fuck You Up Pint

1/2 Lagar
1/2 Smirnoff Ice
and a shot of Vodka.

Downed in 1.

Turbo shandy but better.

Man 1: Want a Fuck You Up Pint?
Man 2: Hell yeah, i wanna get fucked up.

by Dead_Eric October 11, 2007

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž