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popped my shoulder

An alternative way to say you took a shit

Yo bro! I just popped my shoulder!

by LocalIris November 12, 2020

two shoulders

Having “two shoulders” about something means to be conflicted. Having an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other.

“She called me about getting back together, but I’ve got two shoulders about it.”

by Expedition17 March 24, 2024

Trim Shoulder

When you trim for so long, the muscle in between your shoulders ache for days.

Damn, this trim shoulder hurts!

by GanjaGobbler August 20, 2013


A term used in sexual related jokes which are designed in a manner to insult women. Done while fucking a chick in a rocky area. As the man is about to Skeet, he reaches over his shoulder and picks up a boulder behind him. He then slams the rock down onto the woman as he nuts, killing her in the process.

We were out at Lake Travis over spring break and I met this dirty whore. I got her wasted and was fucking her out on the cliff over the lake. She kept bitching about me taking so long so I gave her the "over-the-shoulder-boulder." Yeah, she shut the fuck up.

by Gangsta Rich June 20, 2006


The area, your shoulder and armpit combined, that intelligent people sneeze into as to not cover their hands in disgusting germs and disease everything they touch.

He sneezed into his shoulder-pit.

by Princess Turtle March 30, 2009

shoulder with the kids

The opposite of hip with the kids. Someone might be shoulder with the kids if they're considered behind the times, uncool, lame-o, or droll. They also might be shoulder with the kids if they know what "droll" means without looking it up.

Man, my mom is so shoulder with the kids.

by tentaclesandtea June 12, 2019

shoulder gams

your arms are like legs (also known as gams) therefor they are called shoulder gams

Jamieeee, my shoulder gams are sore from working outtttt

by kpt12893 December 21, 2019