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Cheating occurs when there is a substantive break in trust and loyalty; whereby the relationship, while not strictly confined to a monogamous relationship, can be applied to close friendships as well. Cheating encompasses acts of dishonesty, lack of integrity, unloyalty, and trust which generally results in the feeling of betrayal. If a breakup does occur, this begins the final process of a relationship and depending on the time separated and if in short duration/recent within a week or so from the breakup, sleeps with an ex or goes back to the casual lover, is then considered cheating.

Cheating can occur either or both as emotional or physical where if behaviours continue despite the other party's reasonable request for contact to stop occurring and the party recognises, agrees and reassures you that the other relationship has ended and says they will not contact them again and ends that relationship to recontact them within a month for whatever reason that is unreasonable is considered cheating/betrayal as well.
A relationship is a wholistic process where two people undergo at minimum two processes to three: fall in love (romantic or platonic), maintain the status quo of the relationship and then fall out of love to an amicable or less than the state.

While you might believe we were broken up, you slept with that person who mistreated you (and you complained about them constantly) and was cheating on our friendship and has shown no respect for the relationship that once was.

by TheAlphaAdvisor April 5, 2022


Cheating is when your girlfriend or boyfriend secretly holds hands behind your back, is making out with someone who isn't you, or has sex with someone who isn't you. If they are touching another ones leg and willingly let's the other human touch their leg in a sexual way, they are cheating on you.

Hey, how are you doing bro? "Not good, I found out Natasha was cheating on me"

"Bradley is cheating on me and now I'm having a meltdown"

by Bradley Dolend April 4, 2021


As long as you don't have a ring on your finger, anything goes. You are allowed to talk to other guys and check out other options. However, Cheating is not the act of doing anything it is the act of being interested in the act.

Mark was not cheating on Charlie because he didn't have a ring on his finger.

by markthebomb June 8, 2023


Isaiah Hill 2023 MHS idiot

Isaiah cheats so much. Cheating taking credit for someone else's work

by Copier 101 October 9, 2019


If a female or male has a partner they should not go out and physically or emotionally mess around with the other gender as them. Physically as in sex’s kissing and more. Emotionally as in filling them up as in compliments and other even if the other person has no response to the stuff.

Ye:My gf/bf was filling someone else up
Other: dang that’s cheating emotionally

by Hejebdjebsjebebe January 30, 2021


To be dating someone and go date someone behind their back

Omg Danny cheatingon me with some Katie girl

by Hefnerlover69 January 8, 2018


When a boy or girl makes love or is dating a side chick or side daddy behind your back

Elise has cheating on me with tag tag for thirteen years while we’ve been married for twenty seven year

by Call me shower curtain March 5, 2019