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Redneck Emo kids who are stuck in the 80's and really like Hello Kitty. A lot. And raccoons.

Person 1: That girl has a mullet!
Person 2: No she doesn't, silly - she's just Scene!

by Ashely Tisdale July 25, 2008

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Mainly girls, who MUST have a BEBO and MYSPACE. They pose for like, a trillion photos wearing eyeliner and black skinny leg jeans.
They talk like they have their own annoying language e.g "omf goshness! i s0 fully <3lurv yew!"

conversation between two 'scene' chicks:
<i>xXsceneXxcorexX: hi babe! ur so hawt! i fully lurv yew!<3
XrazorXsharpXscissorsX: fuk im s0 nawt!yew are! I fully rate yew teh hawtest!
xXsceneXxcorexX: i juSt gawt dumped! meh s0 sad!
XrazorXsharpXscissorsX: 0h tahts s0 nawt radD!

by XxwillowxX October 14, 2006

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a bunch of pussies that think there hardxcore. are like emo kids but not a sad but are much worse. take a million pictures and puts them on myspace and types a bunch of unnessicary bullshit.they can also be torn in half by a danimal(see "danimal" for more info)

xxxburingrazORXX - i am soo scene im hardxcore

X_I_BLEEDALONE_XXXXX - BS i am way more sexx than you

the danimal - i hate scene kids your gunna die AAHH!

scene kids- AAAAHHHHHH!!!

by DANIMAL_THE_ ONE_ and_ ONLY July 11, 2008

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okay, so, i guess to be "scene" you have to be self-centered and greedy. i just think that's TOTALLY not cool. people say i am "scene" or sometimes even "emo," but to tell you the truth, "scenesters" don't like to be put in a large group. and by put i mean forced and hated on. ^_^ ANYWAYS, i guess i'll tell you what "scene" is, or in my book, toootally radd. :D

-wears skinny jeans. it doesn't matter what gender you are.
-wears wicked awesome band t-shirts. (if you don't know the band, PLEASE don't be lame and wear it because you think you're cool. :P)
-wears lots of eyeshadow and eyeliner. girls&&boyys.
-uses bitchin' words. aka "rad", "OMFG", "nigg", "rawr", and whatnot... but i i don't like abbreviations much. does that make me not scene?? :O
-goes to local concerts.
-likes to meet other "scenesters."
-rags on haters. ahahha. (who doesn't?)
-has cool myspace names, like: EmilyElectric. (with a little trademark sign)
-LOVESSS MUSIC. only the shweet kind though. lik harcore, metal, screamo, indie, alternative, techno.
-paint nails extreme colors.
-mostly loves hot topic.
-and myspace.
-has dark hair with random bright colors in it.
-and also wears bows, clips and headbands. everyday.
-likes smileys: x.x
-and PLENTY more.
so, basically i just described myself.
all "scenesters" are NOT the same.
haters can go suck it.
have a nice day!!!

"do0d! did you go to that rad concert last night?? it was totally bitchin'!"
^^haah. i've said that before...:O
"soo, i saw this man, and he called me 'scene'. i almost punched him square in the throat." x_x
"don't call me 'scene' playa, i'm just showing my true colors!"

by EmilyElectric. June 19, 2009

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a stupid fagg-ish myspace fad which requires you to wear tight clothes and a "radd" haircut. if scene people actually call THEMSELVES scene, they are most likely fake. they also take pictures at weird angles cause they like to be "different". if you are scene, you THINK you are unique and different, but you are not. every single fucking moron trys to be like you. scene people think they are hardxcore when they are really gay pussys that are afraid of the pit and need to get the fuck over it. most scene kids are gay, insecure, THINK they are original, bi, fake, or two-face copiers of other scene kids. get that? now go write it down.

Kira: hey! look! there is a scene kid! he is completely un- original and he thinks he looks rad with his tight clothes and his stretched ears!

James: Yah! and those are exactly the people we dont want to be like because we have to be ourselves!


by rachelkk May 6, 2008

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Ugly-ass guys and girls,with black hair with atleast a drugstore hair dye aisle worth of colors in their hair. Scene teens pretend like they have so many friends but in reality most of them are met off of Habbo Hotel,MySpace,Facebook,ecsetra.
Spends all their time being "HAWTASS GURLZ KTHNX" and doesn't do anything half way productive with their time.
calls people "HOEZ" and says "LULZ" all the time.

other girl;;NOT MUCH SL`UT HAHAHAHAA. hey did you go to the UnderOATH concert?
other girl;;-sigh- we're so scene. LULZ DID YOU GET YOUR HAIR DONE AGAIN?

my point exactly.

by annielol December 29, 2007

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1. an overacting bitch who thinks they are to scene for their pants.
2.cant find whether they are scene or just a poser scene.

"stfu bitch. i too scene for my pants."
"like d000d rawr im a dinosaur."

by fucking scene bitch June 7, 2006

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