VERY VERY Sweet... They are the literal most boring person person ever... They also eat cat hair and lint for breakfast never ask Sammy to barrow her conditioner she will literally chug the bottle so you won't get to use it ... Ps. They suck
Sammy that freakin #!$#*.
Probably a dog that's best friends with a human.
Random person: AW ITS A DOG, WHAT'S IT'S NAME? Wait, no, let me guess...Sammy?
Sammy is beautiful and she is so sexy and so much better than josh but nadia is better than sammy and she is beautiful and loves to take long walks with cats and watch cat porn meow
sammy a gigachad/stud/alpha male be careful because he will steal all your womens
guy: omg babe run its sammy
women: sucks sammys cock
Sammy, a great boyfriend and best friend to ever have, always has your back 24/7, funny, kind, trustful. And pretty. Has a grate personality. I trust him with my whole life and heart, and will always be here for you. We love Sammy, he will NEVER fail to put a smile on your face. He's the best.
Person: omg! Have you seen Sammy recently?
Other person: oh yeah! He's been know as the best friend and boyfriend!
Sammy is a white boy on tiktok with 100k followers. He thinks he is the most famous tiktoker in nz. He is racist, rude and his behavior is disgusting. He is an ablest and he has made rude remarks and mocking uncle tics on his lives on tiktok. He is well known for his 'keep it cute or keep it on mute' quote. However he cant even follow this himself. #asshole #nobodylikesyousammy
Did you hear about what sammy did on tiktok?
What no?
He mocked uncle tics and pretended to have turrets
Omg! That's really mean!
the most beautiful girl, she looks like sheβs rude at first she can be sometimes but shes always there for you :) sheβs neither smart or dumb and is fun to be around. blurts random things at random times and it genuinely funny without even her knowing.only likes people that she used to know because sheβs to awkward to talk to a boy.sheβs a sweet friend but can be annoying when youβve upset her.
Is she short and has short hair? Is it sammy?