What people really use math for.
Most people don't use equations on a daily basis, since they don't tend to prove as much to as many people as having a lot of money does. If it's not a means to an end, most people aren't going to do it even for show, since they don't see dollar signs that go with it.
Star Signs/Zodiac signs part of Astrology. It is believed that being born a certain month gives you a certain Star Sign, and each Star Sign provides a certain personality. The problem is, it's so generalized that people like to assume that if they had a bad experience with a (insert star sign here), then everyone with that sign is a horrible person. And that's just total bullshit. To me, star sign girls are walking 🚩red flags🚩. I only know cancer because the whole idea is cancer.
If she's into star signs, she belongs to the streets.
Girl: OMFG, I'm like, a cancer, what star sign are you?
Sane person: I know you're a cancer. You believe in those shitty star signs.
another word for skank
Signe: What the fu-
A person who has a steady, reasonably-paid job that involves upholding standards who is happy to add their signature to any wrong or unethical thing that their employer asks them to sign off. Some examples might be a careless employees working as an Environmental Officer in a local government authority, a Social Worker in an under-staffed Department of Community Services or a Safety Officer at a mine site.
The last person in this position was just a sign-off monkey so for the first couple of months I was mostly sorting out problems.
It’s scientifically studied that if you throw up the peace sign in a photo, you are MID AF!
“OMG look at that SOB! He’s throwing up the peace sign, he’s MID AF!”
Lawn Sign Land Mine is a game that takes place in Ontario Canada around Election time. The point of the game is to remove the metal wire frames that hold up and election sign on somebody's lawn, bend it into an arch, and place it into the road in the middle of the lane. When a car runs over it, it makes a loud screeching sound and alerts the driver. This is obviously an act of illegal mischief and should not be tried at home. Lawn Sign Land Mine is a sport that practitioners of Darkour play for fun.
I just threw two Lawn Sign Land Mine's on the road and Cops ran them both over!
A word(s) refering to someone who is on their phone texting at a stop sign usually someone who takes about 20 seconds to start moving after a car passes or the light goes green.
"Man do I hate those stop sign texters taking a damn long time."