Slime day is Wednesday
I’m not sure why, it came to me in a dream
Yo you still good to pay me this slime day?
A Person Who Get
Money, Fly,Confident,Arrogant,Self Made, Fxck Bad Bitxhes & Ain't Scared to be himself around Nobody
1.Oh my god Kaison is so Oso Slime
2. Why won’t you work on being Oso Slime More
3. Do you have what it takes to being , Oso Slime?
Using someone who has wronged you in the past usually while you're deciding if it's worth keeping the relationship or not. It could also mean going behind someone's back or getting back at someone for something they did wrong.
My ex-girl was a head case, I can no longer defend her. I finna slime you out.
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the action of using someone for sex
I’m sliming you out till the morning. And when I call you , you’re going to want me to slime you out again.
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A cancerous toxic chat on youtube. Created by a bitch named violet who tells people to kill them selves 24/7. roleplay central. DONT GO ON IT PLEASE SAVE YOUR INNOCENCE
someone nice on the slime live: my nana died :(
violet: i hope you die like she did uglyFag
A female friend you have a close bond with, but not in fact a girlfriend. Your wife should know her place at home safe. While your slime wife should being thuggin next too you!
My girl at home with the kids holdin that down like she should. while I’m thuggin wit my slime wife got one hand on her throat the other pullin her hair, hitting it from the back
I put my hand on her vagina and she was soaking in lobster slime