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bomb smack

Smack (heroin) that happens to be the bomb (excellent, the shit).

Ayo you want the dope hookup? I can get u that bomb smack.

I done seen fiends O.D., shot the wrong pack
Then they call the shit the bomb smack
-Notorious B.I.G.

by biggiebiggiebiggiecantyousee July 14, 2007

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

hippie smack

Ketamine, called hippie smack because the vast amount of the squatting hippie population seem to have a 3-5 gram a day habit, like a junkie is hooked to smack.

Anyone up for a line of hippie smack

by ftyfghjgufyt January 6, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Puss Smack


1. Idiot, fool, imbecile.
2. Used in the same stride as 'bitch,' 'asshole,' 'dumbass,' 'dumbfuck,' 'motherfucker,' 'fucktard,' 'clam licker,' 'turd burglar,' 'cock wrangler,' 'cunt muncher,' 'ass reamer,' 'faggot,' 'bull dyke,' 'retard,' 'flamer,' 'extra-chromosome motherfucker,' 'man pounder,' and 'tweezer cock.' In fact, this term can be used to describe all of these things, at once.
3. An ignorant, stupid person.
4. In sexual intercourse, the sound made when the flabs of flesh at the nether-regions of sexual partners collide.
5. Worthless, obsolete, irrelevant, useless, trash. Used to describe a person's worth.
6. A person who's existence is unacknowledged by his/her peers.
7. A person who has contributed nothing to the world since his/her conception, and should cease to exist.
8. A person whose opinion is worthless and has no relevance to the current discussion.
9. A person with bowel movements/activities similar to that of an octogenerian.
10. All of the previous definitions combined.

1. Mr. Ellegood is a puss smack (Refer to definition #10) for stealing other peoples' words.

2. That puss smack (Refer to definiton #4)was exceptionally loud and juicy.

by D.A. May 16, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

google smack

the google smack is a smack that is easily over-powered by the much more powerful Uber-smack and Deca-Smack

Jesters Google Smack was easily overpowered by Lews Uber-smack and jester died a horrible death

by Lews April 15, 2005

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smack job

Used as a derragatory remark : refers to the act of waking someone up by smacking your dick on their face.

He's suck a fucking smack job.

by Rambel April 12, 2005

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Smacked Ass

The look of an embarrassed, humiliated person or angry person, indicated by a flushed face read skin.

Damn dude, you came out of that meeting looking like a smacked ass!

by Skeebo127 April 7, 2009

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sex smack

When you are hit with the best sex ever.

I got sex smacked last night!

by Sexslave1 December 16, 2017

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