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Social Catfishing

The process in which a social media manager creates multiple fake profiles only to engage with brands in order to boost the brands popularity. Also the practice of a social media manager liking and commenting every status that is written from every brand page he or she is in possession of. See catfishing

If I manage Facebook Pages for Clients A,B,C,D and E, I should have them all talk to each other all hours of the day on Facebook to portray the appearance that my clients have deep relationships with all these brands and endorse everything I say too. It would also be a good idea to have them sell anything I can profit from. It's like catfishing for social media, only it's Social Catfishing.

by Needle Nose Ned Ryerson February 22, 2013

Social Auntie

A close female friend that takes on the role of "Aunt" to your children.

Jay: Kara sit next to your Aunt

Kara: She's not my Aunt

Jay: Whatever Kara, she is your Social Auntie sit your ass down

by jayne8891 September 25, 2013

5👍 -2👎

Graveyard Social

Graveyard Social is a group of people that do shitty things, they are just a big group of misfits and goofballs, the two founders are DreamySad and BigSikk.

Have you heard the new Graveyard Social album its pretty fucking fire

by DreamyZen January 21, 2021

Social Turd

A Social Turd is a term which can be used for two main reasons:

1) To describe something most unpleasant and obscene upon the eye in society. A someone or something which has figuratively taken a large stinking crap on a community.

2) The very opposite of a Social Butterfly, now this particular variety of humanity, differs from your mundane Wallflower - it is someone who is mute for a large amount of time until the occasion arises and they vocalise unpleasant comments in a situation, thus, dropping a log in a public place.

Use your imagination for the following:
1) I take a stroll through a public place and I see a newly ‘in love’ couple - chewing each other’s faces off.

This is a Social Turd because the young nor the elderly or any age between need to see two faces combining like something from Alien. Also, there is no need to remind the sad members of your community of their singleness!

2) “We need a Social Turd ‘scoop up’ !” exclaimed the snobbish, job’s worth from the local neighbourhood watch, with a fake accent.

3) A group of teen females strut down the school corridor on none school uniform day: their attire is cheap Primark leggings and a cropped toothpaste stained hoodie. These young women who are our future, sport not Camel Toes but entire Camel Hooves! A true Social Turd.

by Uncle Geoffrey January 16, 2020

social nuke

(v.) The act of using covert operations to isolate someone from their friendship group(s) and turn their allies against them, usually as a form of punishment.

"I'm sorry!"
"You will be, when I social nuke you!"

"Do you remember that time you social nuked me? And I lost all my friends and it was awful?"
"I'm sorry! You were asking for it!"

by WhoCaresAtThisPoint March 23, 2016

Social Prostitute

A social prostitute is someone who is well known and is friends with many clients. The origin of the word comes from sex workers who work the corner. Prostitutes are people who can be picked up by anyone, anywhere, and for a low cost. This differs from a social escort who only have high end clients (only certain groups of people that they will associate with) and will not negotiate on lowering their price.

Ryan Bedell has talked to three people just on his way to the bathroom. How does he even know so many people? He is such a social prostitute!

by Blossomfield April 25, 2018

social nomad

Someone that constantly moves from one social circle or clique to another.

He's moved thru four different squads on two years, what a social nomad.

by Kinney Morgan February 29, 2016