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masturbating to stay warm

An interaction where a person strokes another's ego, which was passively prompted by the recipient of the stroke. "Masturbate" relates to the self-loving aspect of the interaction, while "staying warm" relates to the external stimulus from the compliment.

Joe's Facebook status (selfie in mirror with shirt off): I think my gym membership is paying off.

Pat: Yeah, I've noticed that you're looking mighty fine these days.

Joe: Thanks Pat! *feelings of warmth experienced by Joe*

Pat thinks: Joe is always masturbating to stay warm on Facebook.

by Sisterhood of Words March 27, 2017

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stay friendship day

April 9 is the official day when i-stays and k-stays united and became friends with eachother, bonding together. stays all over the world became closer in stayville. this happened all on twitter in the year 2021, April 9th.

β€œhey you wanna be moots?” a k-stay to an i-stay.

β€œyeah sure”
today is april 9, happy stay friendship day!!

by aarygato April 10, 2021

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stay off my lawn

The stereotypical, comic portrayal of irritable, older people.

His reaction to hip hop music is stay off my lawn!

by I, Wreckerrr November 13, 2016

Stay Classy Carlsbad

A small business, mainly sole-proprietorship "movement" that in protest and by parody operates using the same immoral, unproductive and underhanded techniques as the notoriously evil big business failures of the past (or even present, sadly). Especially those business practices leading to the economic collapse of 2008.

Furthermore it is a business that doesn't care whether or not it succeeds and in fact is trying to fail in order to become a tax shelter. It is characterized by its indifference or even antipathy toward success.

Owner of business: I am bummed

Friend: why is that?
Owner of business: well the business I set up as a tax shelter turned a profit because my employee died and the "dead peasant insurance" paid out huge, so now I have to actually pay taxes.

Friend: Stay Classy Carlsbad

by Ben the life critic March 26, 2010

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Stay strapped or get clapped

Stay armed for your protection or risk being destroyed.

A man was walking around with a sword, stabbing multiple people. If one of them were strapped they wouldn't have been clapped. "Stay strapped or get clapped"!

by tommy2scoops April 5, 2020

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Stay strapped or get clapped

A saying which means to carry a weapon/gun (being strapped) on one's person at all times or suffer the possibility of being a victim if SHTF (being shot/stabbed/killed = getting clapped)

Dont let yourself be a victim, stay strapped and you won't get clapped!

Bro 1: Yo did you see the news, some batshit crazy guy shot up a mall!

Bro 2: Yeah man I saw it, that's why I always "Stay strapped or get clapped", worlds crazy bro.

by Shores386 January 15, 2021

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XcQ link stays blue

advice not to click on a link that ends with XcQ, because it is most certainly given by a person trying to Rick Roll you and will lead you to the famous song Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley.

redditor 1: here is a video of a man getting mauled by bull sharks (gives youtube link ending with XcQ)

reditor 2: xcq link stays blue

by Brass Fish March 26, 2020

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