What you say to someone (usually a girl to a guy) that you don’t want to sleep with
Guy: “yo what you doin rn?”
Girl: “swimming”
When someones has really nice, deep waves in their hair. Usually when they have a haircut.
"Man you see my waves? my shit swimming"
"Basically running but with wack arm movements in the water”
I was down at the pool basically running but with wack arm movements (swimming) in the water
Something that gets girls wet every time without fail. Also has the added bonus of being a filter to see them without makeup or most of their clothing.
Dude: "Yo, I got Marina so fucking wet yesterday, bro!"
Dude's friend: "What did you all do?"
Dude: "We went swimming"
Dude's Friend: ...
"You can try swimming, but you don't have arms, so it's going to be difficult."