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What you say to someone (usually a girl to a guy) that you don’t want to sleep with

Guy: “yo what you doin rn?”
Girl: “swimming

by Cait R. September 2, 2018


When someones has really nice, deep waves in their hair. Usually when they have a haircut.

"Man you see my waves? my shit swimming"

by LilJawn September 7, 2020



"Basically running but with wack arm movements in the water

I was down at the pool basically running but with wack arm movements (swimming) in the water

by ForRyanLol August 29, 2023


jumping in a puddle and waving your arms

im going swimming

by 420unwantedpickle69 October 16, 2019


Something that gets girls wet every time without fail. Also has the added bonus of being a filter to see them without makeup or most of their clothing.

Dude: "Yo, I got Marina so fucking wet yesterday, bro!"
Dude's friend: "What did you all do?"
Dude: "We went swimming"
Dude's Friend: ...

by AbsolutelyBraindeadSerious April 3, 2023


The act of not drowning

I was swimming in the big surf at Venice beach

by BananaColadahelpme.. February 26, 2020


A type of prolonged drowning.

"You can try swimming, but you don't have arms, so it's going to be difficult."

by RAdareM January 13, 2023