69 syndrome is a condition where people unironically find the number 69 everywhere. This is a prime symptom for a chronic disease called ligma thats was first discovered when Richard Tyler 'Ninja' Blevins completed a fortnite challenge where he had to ligma balls.
Mr. Joe, You have been diagnosed with the 69 syndrome.
Joel David Pereira sees the number 69 everywhere, I think he has the 69 syndrome.
continually doing something even though it drives you insane and causes great anger (usually related to gaming)
"hey man last night i kept trying to get an epic victory royale but i couldnt because im not an epic gamer so i yote my controller at my ps4"
"F bro, you must have Gamer Syndrome"
Box syndrome is when you have a good job but decide to drink and be depressed so instead of staying at your job you decide to switch jobs every 2 months
loser unstable alcoholic
Hey man is Robert switching jobs again? Yes that fool has box syndrome
Is a transient Tourette's-like syndrome characteristic by short outbursts of profanity, with the inclusion of politically incorrect statements and racial slurs.
A sufferer of Yorkshire syndrome must:
- Have been born in the English county of Yorkshire (N,S,E or W).
- Not have been diagnosed with any other psychological illness.
- Must have an episode (outburst) at least every-other day.
- Should feel little or no concern as to the effect their condition has on those around them.
Yorkshire syndrome - Examples are too verbally violent to publish :(
Whenever a popular character gets shafted in a film adaptation. Named for the gross misuse of Venom in Spider-Man 3.
The comic-based film (take your pic) delegated most of the fan favorite characters to minor roles, becoming the worst case of Venom Syndrome to date.
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A condition related to the Pokémon handheld games. Causes you to train your starter Pokémon to outlandish strength while the rest of your party is weak and useless.
Guy A: Hey dude, check out my level 80 Venusaur.
Guy B: Man, you've got Charizard Syndrome.
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The condition of being terminally unfunky. This occurs when when an individual attempts to ignore his funkentelechy.
Sir Nose D'Voidofunk epitomized the Placebo Syndrome. That is until Star Child hit him with the Bop Gun!
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