When your date comes over to your house for the rendezvous, or vice versa.
I had a Drop In Date with that guy during Election Day.
In the middle of a conversation, you insert a subtle brag about an amazing place you`ve been in the world, making it sound like it`s totally normal for you. (Better executed with a pretentious tone).
1- It reminds me of that girl I met while kite surfing in Brazil, she was so hot....
Your friend to answer, while coughing: Place Dropping!
2- Man, I love this pizza... it doesn`t compare to my favorite restaurant in Milan, but it`s very close.
Your friend to answer, while coughing: Place Dropping!
There were no suspects in the case until someone dropped a dime on the right person!
You have a giant load of money ready for a giant purchase.
Another day another dollar. It all added up, now I'm sittin on a drop for a Ferrari or maybe a Mclaren.
Another name for marijuana; weed; the devil's lettuce
I just smoked some of those chupacabra droppings I found out in the field
To view someones past IM chats, either accidentally or on purpose.
Similar to Eavesdrop. Also known as IM Stalking
I was chatting with this girl Emily and I tried to IM-Drop on a conversation she was having with someone else.
I put her in my always on contacts so i could peep when she's online.
If you have seen Ferris Beulers Day Off, the noise cameron makes with his mouth at the stock exchange building.
To irritate my teacher, I was dropping boulders all period in class