Harvey's are generally good looking, funny, flirty but can be man slags and go behind their girlfriends backs. They are very forward and know what they want and they will do anything to get it
Girl: Who was that?
Other girl: that's Harvey, he's so gorgeous! But he cheated on his girlfriend the other day...
Badass hillbilly that if you dare him to do anything he would
Harvey is a south chicago sub that is just as bad as chicago in is run by a gang call freeband in most known rapper is g dae in freeband key in mlb nurski
Them:where u frm
You: harvey
Them:he not like that
You:yea ite
Harvey is the biggest man alive. He is a 7 foot tall 400+ pound man.
Harvey Lawrence is so big the ground shakes when he walks.
Harvey shaw means a guy which has loser tendencies, he may try to fight hard with stephenyan but he will remain gaynyan no matter what, he and his partner ripper go on wild adventures day and night. Mwah
That guy harvey shaw is a loser, with loser tendencies
The one and only looser of kik
Look at that that's harvey shaw ewwwww