Rancid plastic mixed with the scent of cheap cloth and ink prints, and lightly pepered whith the sent of sex toys.
"Bro Caits house got that hot topic smell going on"
A telescope for your sense of smell, created by Hubert farnsworth it was the reason that mankind noticed a giant ball of 21st century trash flying towards earth, saving it from definite destruction.
May only exist in 31st century futurama
What happens if you use the smell-o-scope to smell Uranus- Fry
The tingly aroma that arises around 16:00 GMT on a Saturday afternoon once the last shower nozzle has been closed in the changing room of great football teams.
-Barman: "There it is! The after-match smell"
- Colleague: "oh aye! Spiced Amber this week!"
- Barman: "Best get 4 Guinesses and 10 Carlings on the go son!"
Smell your mum or smell ur maaaaa is a very good way of telling someone their mum is a fucking stinker
Ayy mate smell your mum
Cuz she fucking stinks
1. Were you piss in a toilet and don’t flush it for a few days and the whole god damn bathroom gets stunk up
You: Holy shit it smells like a Godzilla Piss Smell
Yo homie: What do you expect its the boys bathroom
Smell your blessings: When you say bless you out of kindness because somebody just sneezed or farted
"ah ah ahh" ( farts instead of sneezing) prooottt... bless you!!! ? Smell your blessings...