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The only acceptable camper.

guy1: "Damn that sniper."
guy2: "At least he's not camping"

by goodgoodgod10 January 10, 2021


When someone falls down as if they were sniped.

Bro I fell yesterday and Mike yelled " Sniper! "

by MelonBuster January 15, 2019


Jen likes to snipe

Jen is one of my snipers

by Meh name is Jeff March 23, 2019


Noun. Hockey slang for an insane shot that places the puck in the goal. A player who can consistently do this is a sniper. A sniper can also be somebody who is insanely hot and likely has silky mitts (good hands).

Wheel, snipe, celly. Tucker just scored again. He’s such a fucking sniper.

by MidwestWeather November 11, 2021


A person who stalks people who they love. A sniper has a deadly gun so they can shoot whoever comes near their loved ones

I think that a sniper is stalking me don't come near me!

by Ark Bahamut December 18, 2018


Someone whos cum shoots real far. Talking like, 5 feet far.

Girl 1: Yo... That bitch is a sniper. Last night he cummed so hard it hit my throat.

by Boredom Solver. February 17, 2024


Hot chicks

See that sniper over there

Yea she is a 10

by Jo&b January 11, 2023