That perfect part and fold of skin of the female anatomy that sits and protects the most sensitive part of the woman’s vagina . If you are sensitive and handle that hood with care and sensitivity, you’ll have a partner for life.
Hey dude. No wonder why you are single. You’ve got no idea where the clitoral hood is bro!
A nose bugar that can be seen from a neighboring eye.
Do I have anything in my nose?
No man, I'll let you know if you got a boy in the hood.
Hey man (pointing to nose), you got a boy in the hood.
It means licking or sucking upper clitoris area.
I was licking the hood and she squeezed her legs together and just about pop my eyes out.
The phase teenagers or young people -- and even some full-blown adults -- have where they act like they're from the hood, they're gangster, tough, etc.
Peter: Is Leonard in Port's hood?
Ray: Yes -- I'd assume...but he could just be going through his hood phase.
Adolescents sent to an experiential camp or outdoor therapy program as part of their rehabilitation program or to avoid incarceration.
He got sent to one of those "hoods in the woods" programs rather than go to juvie jail.
Where children is brought up in the hood. Typically these type of people would be gangsters/thugs. Or at the bare minimum, criminals. They also have bad education, communication skills and typically a really negative view on life. But hey, aren't all humans like that?
P1: Have u seen Elijah?
P2: yeah i know he became a criminal.
P1: I know he been brought up in the hood.
P2: The hell.? He's part of them?
P1: yeah he is one of the children of the hood.
ghetto black people being ratchet.
Sharkiesha- "Mmm gurl, I seen you chekin' out my man on that hood vine, Don't make me come over there and rip out that stale weave of yours."