Running away from a potential violent situation.
I was yelling at my husband to come back and he pulled a Tiger.
Cheating on your attractive wife/girlfriend with a significantly less hot woman.
He was dating the Homecoming Queen but he pulled a tiger
(woods) when he hooked up with that fat cheerleader.
Whenever someone is acting aggressive, a friend getting in your face or a strangers while intoxicated
I was in Prague with my small friend when he started acting like bruce lee to a group of african drug dealers one of them commented "he's a tiger that one watch him".
When a booty grew too fast and has stretch marks on it that look like tiger stripes.
Look at that ass with the stretch marks, she got that tiger booty.
When you have a really long wee.
I've just had an amazing tiger wee
A woman who is so perfect that a man dating multiple women chooses to abandon all the women he is dating but her. This perfect woman, this Tiger Tamer, is the one perfect woman which causes a man to love her and her alone.
Yo, I used to be a real player. Then I met Joyce and she be a real Tiger Tamer. So now it be just her.
A pet tiger is a well behaved scally (most of the time), however there are occasions where he may kick off and therefore you cannot relax in their company.
Don't annoy the pet tiger in the corner he is liable to kick off