Source Code

butt egg

A sexual toy that is inserted into the anus...preferably "vibrating". Often available with a "safety tether".

As I walked away from the mirror I found that my butt egg had become disengaged due to its safety tether.

by mto March 28, 2007

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Egg In A Bum

similar egg in a nest and egg in a bun but the said person has homosexual tendencies

cor look at the barnet on julian, the way he's walking he must be a shirtlifter! he's a right egg in a bum!

by davethejag October 18, 2007

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broken eggs

loss of innocence or virginity

Your dad is going to go crazy if he finds out your eggs are broken

My little brother was being a creep and tried to fix my broken eggs. I don't think it worked.

Don't let that loser break your eggs

If you try to break my eggs, I'm going to break you

by greuze November 29, 2009

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Jizz Egg

A plastic easter egg filled with cum, which is then chucked at someone you dislike.

I fucking hate my teacher, i'm gonna hit him in the face with a jizz egg.

by Pablo Fanques April 22, 2007

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eggs foccado

A style of eggs created probably in the Yukon Territory of Canada, popularized throughout Canada.

Eggs are poached for only 2 minutes, then taken out and spread under-cooked onto toast. Fresh pepper and spices are added before placing the egg and toast under the broiler for about 1 minute until a dry skin forms.

This style of preparing eggs constitutes a revolution in the tired old omelette or over-easy world of breakfast cooking. Good luck ordering it in a diner; the two-step preparation is considered a hassle by most lazy breakfast cooks, but it is well-worth trying this recipe at home.

Erin ordered her eggs cooked foccado style, before being thrown out of the restaurant by the uncouth waiter.

He won her over with his eggs foccado.

by johnfesterling August 23, 2008

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Egg Wars

A thing that happens in West Roxbury/Roslindale when all the genrations in these towns beat the hell out of each other with eggs. This happens in october. Everybody stops selling eggs during this time so stock up before then.

"Oh shit it's egg wars season, stay away from Fallon Field and Billing Field!"

by Jack Butterknife April 27, 2007

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egg salad

A sebaceous secretion, especially the cheesy secretion that collects under the prepuce or around the clitoris.

Specifically: (a) The soapy substance covering the skin of newborn infants. (b) The cheesy, sebaceous matter which collects between the glans penis and the foreskin.

by anon November 21, 2002

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