The passionate Look someone has when he is travelling to a new destination, and is expecting adventure. Some people just have it without necessarily travelling, as they are full of life and hungry for experience.
“ we should hang out with this dude tonight, he seems fun and he ‘s got traveller-eyes “
The "Politically Correct" term for the modern day "Hobo". They are generally young adults that you see at intersections looking for rides to a warmer place or the next concert. Typically with a dog and terrible hair. They are generally from wealthy families that they reject accept for the money.
Look, there's a couple of road travelers with a sign asking for a ride to the next Phish concert.
A Slang Term used to greet persons that is void or racism, sexism, ableism, abuse, sarcasm, belittlement, judgement, hearsay, questionable ethics, and more.
A Bisexual, indigenous, quadriplegic is rolled into the room on a stretcher.
Greeter: Hello, Kind Traveller.
Bisexual, indigenous, quadriplegic: Hello.