the cum left in the penis after ejaculation forming a bubble on the tip of the eurethra
Number 1 victory royale fortnite yeh we bout to get down
You head Reece’s singing
No what is it
Number 1 victory royals fort Ute yeh we bout to get
Reece Stephan number 1 victory royale
When you and your partner cum at the same time
Liv and Alex had a victory royal
A win for everybody that was never really a win for anybody, since at least one person, if not everybody, lost something to the machine/system, or someone that was part of the machine/system. Disney was/is a master of Machiavellian principles, since people feel like they gain something by waiting in a line at Disneyland/Disney World for 45 minutes of their time instead of an hour of their time. Really it's Disney that gains from this, since people think Disney has a real concern for their families, and not for the Disney reputation and lost dollar signs that would come with any damage to the Disney reputation.
It would be a Machiavellian Victory if one of the two buildings was demolished, or if 4 or 5 of your 10 neighbors homes burned to the ground and yours didn't, you feel like you kept or even gained something by not losing everything, but half of your neighborhood is lost forever and half your neighbors lost everything. So, a Machiavellian victory is when people feel like everybody won because they didn't lose everything, when really just one person or entity actually gained/benefitted from what actually hzppened. Really most wars have casualties, so they are Machiavellian victories if your country doesn't lose a war, since somebody somewhere still lost a family member. Life is a matter of what you lose and not what you win or gain.
A Fortnite quote referring to the OG gangs making the OG season of Fortnite less sweaty.
Another day, another victory for the og's. Taking down the sweats. Imposter among us.
After you fuck a girl so good she makes breakfast after
I pounded her so bad and enjoyed some victory toast.
Javier make me some victory toast after you eat this vag
Victori is a beautiful person who loves her friends and family and is a very independent strong person. This person is caring and would help anyone in need. Victori is very patient and takes their time on things and will understand problems for you point of view. Being victori is everyone dream
Friend: did you see Victori today
Me:yesss I wanna be them so badddd