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Chippy YouTube

A popular mope.io YouTuber who also posts dancing tiktok videos. Some facts about him are

-He likes thunder.
-His bff is โ€œSammieโ€
-He has over 4,000 subscribers.

I watch Chippy Youtube videos when Iโ€™m bored.

by chair_kiddd123 July 11, 2020

Youtube Statistics

The graph that Youtubers shove directly into your face to guilt-trip you into subscribing to them.

According to Youtube Statistics, only a few like this definition, so if you found that this definition is funny, consider liking it. It means a lot to me, it's free, and if you hate me, you can always dislike this post. Enjoy.

by HahaFunnyDefYes June 13, 2021

YouTube Hostage

When someone forces you to watch a YouTube video that you have no interest in watching, and you feel that it would rude and awkward to decline.

Tim: Hey John, check out this YouTube of Snail migration, it's hilarious.

*shoves phone/tablet/computer in John's face*
*12 minutes later*
John: yeah that was interesting...
Tim: let me show you another one!

John: Dude you can't just take me YouTube Hostage like that, you are wasting valuable moments of my life here.

by Demondeaconjh August 2, 2015

Youtube Escape

Leaving a conversation the same way someone ends a youtube video- asking people to follow their social medias and subscribe and like.

Used when you want to leave an uncomfortable conversation really fast and your not sure how to do it

Follow my Instagram and Twitter, subscribe and like k bye!

Dude you totally just pulled off a youtube escape!

by Or nawww March 1, 2015

YouTube Royalty

YouTubers that have had a major following for many, many years and continue to stay relevant. An example of YouTube Royalty would be Good Mythical Morning, as they have been around for several years and the channel continues to grow more and more every day. Other examples include Jenna Marbles, Superwoman, NigaHiga, etc.

"Hey Ryan do you think Jenna Marbles' channel will ever die?"
"Nah, she's practically YouTube Royalty at this point, I don't think she'll be going anywhere anytime soon."

by M4PL3 February 9, 2018

Youtube Nuisance

When you and your friends are sharing a computer to watch Youtube videos, and one person just HAS to show you a different video in the middle of every other one.

My friends and I were watching Ask A Ninja when one of them searched Keyboard Cat right in the middle of the video. What a Youtube Nuisance... I swear to god...

by Jato_Unleashed April 20, 2010

Youtube Comments

Those things under the video that are usually rasist, sexist, or they use words like gay fag or slut. but sometimes you can find that one diamond in the rough, the gem comment which is written by a person who knows what they are taking about and doesnt make rude comments or stupid assumptions.

Not a good Youtube comments: WOW!!!! what a fag ur so stupid stoop makeing vids u whore

get a life!

come to my channel i am supr funny!

by thatshortkid November 2, 2010

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