A Corey is the type of person who can always make you laugh and is also a great rappers who dropped his album titled "IF I DIDN'T WIN" Coreys are males who are amazingly smart and attractive but not cocky about it. Corey is a guy you can just stand near and be insanely happy because you get the listen to is music. Coreys are also great friends and lovers :) Coreys know no limits and live life to the fullest. Coreys put God first. A Corey is the upmost amazing guy put on earth. So sweet, kind, funny, smart, Tall, trustworthy, honest, and great rappers . Anyone who has a Corey in their life are so lucky and better never let them go. Oh they are also great kissers and have a freaking hot body! Coreys are not fighters but they will fight for what they love.
A Corey is the type of person who can always make you laugh and is also a great rappers who dropped his album titled "IF I DIDN'T WIN" Coreys are males who are amazingly smart and attractive but not cocky about it. Corey is a guy you can just stand near and be insanely happy because you get the listen to is music. Coreys are also great friends and lovers :) Coreys know no limits and live life to the fullest. Coreys put God first. A Corey is the upmost amazing guy put on earth. So sweet, kind, funny, smart, Tall, trustworthy, honest, and great rappers . Anyone who has a Corey in their life are so lucky and better never let them go. Oh they are also great kissers and have a freaking hot body! Coreys are not fighters but they will fight for what they love.
Corey is a known as a big personality, he is the type of person to tell you about yourself and knows how to take a joke as long as he can reciprocate. You can spend time with Corey for hours without having to do much. Corey is a quiet personality off of first impression. He enjoys to chill and smoke without inconvenience. He’s a low key gamer but would tell you all about it if you ask. Corey is a sweetheart to those he loves but can be mean to people he doesn’t vibe with. He’s an open freak but doesn’t talk about it openly. He’s the type of person you would want to spend time with to chill and have a good time. He loves to spend time with his lover and finds it fun to hang with friends at times. He doesn’t mind being alone but would rather have company. Corey is a good conversation if you know him well and is a loyal friend and lover.
Corey is a good vibe
Person: did you hang out with corey?
Person 2: yeah we had a good time
Coreys are the hottest in the world. They’re so kind and handsome. Coreys have the biggest penis ever.
Mimi: oh who’s that hot boy over there
Chipotle: it’s corey
A Corey. is the type of person who can
always make you laugh but yet make
you wonder why you're even
laughing. Coreys are males who are
amazingly smart and attractive but
not cocky about it. Corey is a guy you
can just stand near and be insanely
happy because you're close to him.
Coreys are also great friends and
lovers :) Coreys know no limits and
live life to the fullest A guy that you can always trust withanything. He's smart and funny someone you can always
talk to if something is wrong. Corey is
usually very sensitive though, never
get on his bad side or opposite side of
an argument because he will either
make you look like a complete idiot
or make you feel like crap. They are
usually loud and like to get their point
across, but they are also very unique.
Wearing odd assortments of clothes
is a habit of theirs. But they all the
while don't care what other people
think. lf you're lucky enough to date
one, keep him and don't let him go;
You won't meet anyone else like him
ever again.
Emily: "look over there there's Corey isn't he so cool and handsome"
The female Corey is very sweet, smart, funny, and lovable. She has a good sense of humor, different with every crowd, from inside jokes to innuendos. She lights up a room when she walks in. A Corey is dependable, you can count on her to be there for you and do small favors like bake cupcakes when you are sad or give you a ride home when you've hadtoo much to drink. She is smart, can outwit almost anyone, including the smartest of teachers and is quick-witted to come up with a comeback, comment, or solution. She will stay loyal until she is burned! Do not, I repeat NOT, get on this girl's bad side. A Corey could just as easily tear you to pieces as she could your reputation. Her one struggle or flaw is that she is quicker to drop everything and help others than tend to her own needs. It can possibly be a fatal flaw, so just cherish this girl while you know her.
Wow, did you see that girl? That's just so Corey!