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National Femboy Day

National Femboy Day is a day for all men to dress as a femboy for 24 hours, it occurs the 24th of April.

"Yo bro! Tomorrows National Femboy Day, you know what that means..."

by FemboyLover69420 April 24, 2024

Furry Femboy Day

Furry Femboy Day is a day celebrated on November 20th all about Furry Femboys. Everyone who's male must become one, and if they don't, They get to be bullied and made fun of.

Girl: Hey babe it's Furry Femboy Day! Become a Furry Femboy or im breaking up with you.
Guy: Ugwh Okway *Put's on thigh highs and wears paw's* UwU!

by JustSplub November 18, 2023

Kiss a Femboy Day

On July 21st it is national Kiss a femboy day. On this day you must kiss any consenting femboys as an apology for the day before, which was Beat a Femboy day.

Guy 1: hey dude, it's kiss a femboy day today
Guy 2: oh no.. I beat up so many femboys yesterday...

by notacutefemboy July 20, 2023