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A person that drinks way too much. (Oswaldo)

Man Oswaldo is a alcoholic

by GotYaAhhBoi July 3, 2024


A narcistic asshole, who never takes the blam only gives.

Wow you never stop drinking do you? You're a Alcoholic

by PePeHaNd'S November 30, 2019


People who drink, but tend to take it a little too far and a little too often. These people are often fun to be around when they are drinking.

That ultimate frisbee team is full of alcoholics. Not those two jacked guys though, they're chill, and definitely not alcoholics.

by NOT Austicakes November 20, 2023


Justank is a alcoholic she drinks to much and she is very depressed.they even call her depression

Needs help alcoholic

by Alcholics101 February 26, 2019



Thyson is an alcoholic who drinks tequila with limau kasturi

by MFBIJ October 12, 2020


Morgan, Bethany,Katie

Alcoholic- where drinking is taken to a measure of extremism by which girls don’t know when to stop.

“Morgan is going to the pub....for the 80th time this week but it’s only Wednesday?”

Bethany is buying alcohol because she can.

Katie is bored so she grabs the closest bottle to her right....a fat bottle of gin.

by Icantdecide what September 7, 2019


One that loves to drink every hour of the day

Costumer: hey can I have some beer

store owner: ayy have I seen you before

Customer: maybe you seen my on twitch @erobb221

Store owner: oh yea your the guy who only drinks and does irl
Customer: I’m not an alcoholic btw

by manomaui May 13, 2018