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A type of animation.
Mostly translated in Japanese but can be dubbed in English.
Most anime appears on Adult swim and etc. (idk where else) and most can be for all ages.

Guy 1: Have you seen the anime "Attack on Titan" yet?
Guy 2: Yes, I heard there having season 2 soon!

by AnimeMemes123 December 9, 2016

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makes me wanna exploded, its heaven.

like bakugo, tasty.

Friend: Hey whats anime?

Me:Putthy throbbing heaven.

by Yuri/Saiki December 3, 2020

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Anime is a form of godly animation with some having a little bit of sexual based plots witch are called hentai

If you dont watch anime you will die

by AnimeKira March 14, 2017

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an animated film with a cute style normally made in japan

anime my favourite anime is the demon slayer

by MiniNinja420 February 22, 2021

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the lord itself

o my lord anime so lit bro

by floffybunn December 21, 2019

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i am of the anime religion

by jackoapple July 18, 2020

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that one thing your friend watches all the time, and you just wanna see it too and see why he watches too much.. but if you were to just walk in.. well get ready for an orgasm

You : I'm gonna go see what jack is watching

*walks in*

*sees jack jerking off*

you : can i join?

jack : sure, its just anime though... wanna watch hentai instead?

by anonymousThingy?oYeahIAmDumb May 19, 2018

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