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1.) A brother
2.) A Short, Skinny, Blonde Hair, polo wearing, high voice, running, way so gay person. (gel hair optional)

Clayton Kirk is a bro

by Tim Watts October 30, 2008

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Any guy wearing white-framed sunglasses.

See that douche over there in the white-framed sunglasses playing grab-ass and frisbee? Yeah that guy is a total bro

by Flatfoot December 23, 2009

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Jazz Bro

A college jazz musician who is a bro. Usually socially adept, a jazz bro attends parties, drinks beer, plays beer pong and partakes in the usual bro activities, but listens to and plays jazz music. Some can be socially inept however, and can be extremely biased when it comes to music, displaying elitist qualities. These jazz bros can usually be picked out by the presence of a soul patch. Some jazz bros listen to hip hop with jazz overtones, as well as funk and fusion music.

Steve is totally a jazz bro. Look at the way he sinks those shots in pong, while listening to Kind of Blue.

by Chim Ridgels November 7, 2010

bro soak

Two or more dudes, shooting the shit in the hot tub together.

Hey, do you want to stop over for a bro soak after work?

by Hubes58 March 1, 2020

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Chicks Bro

When girls fail to see the fallacy in their own logic. What she says or does that leaves men stumped.

Me: You get offended too easily.
Her: I can't believe you just said that!

Chicks bro.

by Chicks Bro October 19, 2012

Bro Namath

A term used among bros in the Broman Empire referencing NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Namath. A Bro Namath is typically a ladies man and a leader in a group of bros.

bro 1: "Sup Bro Namath? We gonna chase some tail tonight?"
bro 2: "You know it! I get more a$$ than a proctologist!"

by alphabro February 12, 2014

bro rape

Bro rape is a rape that has gone over looked for decades, and its risen 44% in the last year, what is a bro? A bro is 18-24 year old male who likes to play game cube and/or Xbox & listen to jack johnson and dave matthews band. They love natty ice, wearing there livestrong bracelet, and family guy. There main scent is any of the Axe body sprays. Usually there attire consists of berkenstocks, rip jeans, an abercrombiee water polo, and a hat with a prefrayyed brim. They use phrases like "bro-out" or "chill". For every suburban house party 4 bros will be rape and only 1 in 7 bros will tell their boys what happened.
Do you wear Birkenstock sandals and a "Livestrong" bracelet? Do you like Family Guy, or play "ultimate frisbee", or wear a baseball cap with a pre-frayed brim? Are you now, or have you ever been, a Jack Johnson fan? If you answered DEAR GOD YES to any of these questions, then you may be a Bro. And being a Bro makes you a prime candidate for Bro Rape. Bro Rape... don't let it happen to you.

bro 1: Yo wanna come over and chill. We can play game cube and take off our pants.
bro 2: BRO RAPE!

by chadbrochill17 August 31, 2006

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