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On July 12th the holiday is National Buy Malakhii Something Day. Don’t be cheap and spend more than 50 dollars on this nga please. *ACCEPTS SOME SEX TOO*
“Happy Buy Malakhii something day“
“I bought malakhii a trackhawk”
National Buy Malakhii something day is a day to celebrate and appreciate @xalakhii
On July 12th the holiday is National Buy Malakhii Something Day. Don’t be cheap and spend more than 50 dollars on this nga please. *ACCEPTS SOME SEX TOO*
National Buy Malakhii something day
To buy some debous (pronounced DeeBiss), means to buy something that you don’t really need, or to be financially irresponsible. Like, for example, getting a gas station snack.
“Let’s go buy some debous”
The act of spending money at a great loss to the consumer, but still a tremendous win for both the seller and the buyer.
Interviewer- "Charlie i heard you were wasting a lot of your money at a clothes store this weekend. Is it true you bought a bowling shirt for 800 dollars?"
Charlie- "Yes, but i like my shirt so i would say i wasn't wasting my money but i was buy-winning."
Selling something but not saying what it is and implying it might be worth the price. A way to sell something for more than it’s worth. A good of example would be doing a blind buy for a song that nobody really wants for $5k, when the most you would get for that song if it wasn't blind is $2k.
Why would people fall for this?
1. A drought of music and they'll settle for anything
2. Gambling "what if it's the song I want"
3. Retardation
"Oh boy I hope they're selling the song I want in this Blind Group Buy, I'll donate $100 and keep my fingers crossed."