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Clout pasting

When you post something for clout (fame or notoriety)

Yo, Timmy just clout pasting online

by Princess Syko April 7, 2018

clout child

atreyu i probably spelled it wrong aslos known as social ballz is actually crqazy

i am going to kill myself clout child

by blobadooba March 19, 2022

Clap that Clout

Clapping clout is when you have so much clout that you don't know what to do with it, so you just clap it together.

My boi Jimmy steady knowing how to clap that clout.

by finger mish September 15, 2018

clout palace

Ricegum's House

I guess you could say its lit at the clout palace

by cloutgod_12 October 17, 2018

Clout Egg

A clout egg is an icon. Clout eggs are cool beings that will make your life so much better.

Person: “omg look at that Clout Egg I look up to it it is my god”
Person 2: “omg I heard that if you shove an egg up it’s ass it will come out hard boiled
Clout egg: “follow me on Instagram @meurfavegghead ”

by Toe god August 16, 2018

Clout lines

When you wear clout goggles and get too much sun causing large, round tan lines.

Guy 1: Bro did you wear your clout goggles to the beach today?

Guy 2:Yeah why?
Guy 1: You’ve got hardcore clout lines

by Yeetus Reetus June 19, 2018

Mom clout

It’s when moms humiliate and/or share personal stuff from their child in order to win some “mom clout” in front of other moms which is saying things that other moms can laugh at or relate to from their own children experience.

My mom told everyone about my small dick in front of a bunch of other moms just for some mom clout

by Sugarandtears May 29, 2022