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Job For A Cowboy

Considered to be one of the bands to recieve major benefit from the current MySpace phenomenon, and their use of it, Job For A Cowboy are a deathcore-turned-poser-death-metal outfit from Arizona.

While Job For A Cowboy can be seen as pioneers of death metal by their loyal legion of fans, purists consider them a lame band with a penchant for pig squeals - referencing Job For A Cowboy's debut EP, Doom, which was responsible for their success.

Job For A Cowboy is for fans of: Despised Icon, Through the Eyes of the Dead, and Bring Me The Horizon.

Scene Kid: "Job For A Cowboy are the best metal band today, and the Doom EP was, and is, the most br00tal album ever."

Genuine Metalhead: "Job For A Cowboy is nothing but fourth-rate garbage for idiots who don't know shit about metal."

TxKx: "Job For A Cowboy is a perfect example of what is wrong with today's metal scene. This rubbish can only appeal to impressionable 16-year-old posers who spend too much time on MySpace; basically, it's absolute fail."

by TxKx September 6, 2007

174๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž

cowboy stew

when you throw up in your mouth and have no choice but to swallow it

While riding my sled I hit too many bumps, I burped up some Cowboy stew and had to swallow it!

by Sledneck February 20, 2007

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

cackpipe cowboy

Gay, homosexual, a person who inserts his penis into another mans cakpipe (asshole)

Ur such a cackpipe cowboy!!

by ASS WIPE June 19, 2004

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spaghetti Cowboy

When you are having anal sex with a woman in the doggy-style position, and you pull out, put spaghetti and meatballs in her butthole, and then continue to have sex with her. after you cum in her ass, pull out and attempt to eat the spaghetti out of her asshole.

Boy:dude why is she walking so funny?

Boy 2:o that one guy gave her a spaghetti cowboy last night.

by supersexual May 14, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dallas Cowboys

A term used for any football team who's players are all celebreties or criminals and who are suppost to win every game but never even make it to the playoffs

Bruce: hey dude everybodys sayin that the steelers are going to win the superbowl this year!

James: nah man they'll probably just Dallas Cowboys the season as usual

by saints fan July 27, 2009

50๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

cowboy dan

reference to a character from a Modest Mouse song, yet as of late has come to resemble a persistent yet handsome idiot who has limitless amounts of hope and confidence in a situation destitute of hope; prone to drunken fits of rage and indecency

dude, that cowboy dan broke my windshield last night

by mostbasic690 February 6, 2011

21๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

cowboy up

The original meaning of "Cowboy Up" was to inform the next bullrider or bucking bronco rider at a rodeo to get ready to ride or "cowboy up". Now it means to stop being a pussy liberal snowflake with your safe spaces and whiny bullshit, grow up and be a man for once in your pathetic life.

Liberal snowflake type: Oh no! Trump won the election! I need to find a safe space to calm down and stop crying.

Real man type: No you need to stop being a pussy and cowboy up!

by NOMmnom March 8, 2017

20๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž