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doobie doo

An expression that can be used for emphasis after an exclamation.


When used with a rising pitch at the end, it can be used to ask a question


Can be used to refer to marijuana


This phrase originates from an impersonation that was done of Bill Cosby. In it, the joker would say 'Doobie doo, Theo eat some pudding pops' after smoking a joint.

Eventually, this evolved and "Doobie doo" became a phrase of its own.

I've won twenty dollars off that idiot because he bet me Dustin Hoffman was in Star Wars! Doobie Doo!

I missed Battlestar Galactica, but it's on again at 10. Doobie doo!

OR: Doobie Doo? Is Jessica Alba really naked in that movie?

OR: Hey man, I've got some friends coming over, can you get me some doobie doo?

by Ricardo Burro February 7, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

dippity doo

1. n. What appears on your dippity when you leave it out overnight.

2. n. A brand of hair gel introduced in the 1950's.

1. When I looked out the window, I saw that my dippity was covered with dippity doo.

2. When I looked out the window, I saw that my dippity was covered with Dippity-Doo. Weird.

by Captain Spaulding October 30, 2003

35๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


when your stomach sticks out farther than your dinky-doo

"mini-me"..."dude your stomach sticks out farther than ur pein"

by catiejen January 18, 2005

44๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Scooby-Doo

Whilst being intimate with a lover, you shove a Scooby snack in their ass and yell "Does Scooby want a Scooby snack?!" Immediately Scooby and Shaggy will bust in the room and dive into your partners asshole.

1) I did the Scooby-Doo with my wife...... Me and the kids miss her a lot....

2) Scooby see Scooby do, Scooby saw you.

by Waluwiggy September 27, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A small dog that barks a lot.

That borkle-doo was barking all night!

by Mywifeishot January 1, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A puffed up haircut, usually held aloft with excessive amounts of gel and stanky spray; often a geri-curled

multi-colored mess, typically adorning street walking skank-ass prostitutes.

2. Any haircut which makes a bitch look whorishly hot.

With a big date planned later that night, Shamika went out and got a brand new ho-doo to match her shiny silver "fuck me" pumps.

by BeanTownRat July 19, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

dickey doo

This is what happens when a man is so fat his stomach hangs over his willis and can hardly (if at all) be seen. also known as a dunlop.

That guy is huge...His gut hangs lower than his dickey doo.

by bigboss72 May 19, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž