A gentle reproach to someone tone down their douchery.
"Douche it down, bro! You're coming on too strong here"
"You know Bartholomew, you really need to douche it down"
"What's the problem here, why don't y'all douche the fuck down?!"
A contest, typically between women, to determine who in a group has the largest hair.
"Bitch, my hair is bigger then yours. Do you want to have a fro down for me to prove it?"
To raise or lower a device or person.
Last night I dolly downed Verns mom like 10 times. She was literally gutted after she got dolly downed.
Someone who is down to party or just live without giving a fuck. Khalid uses it in 'American teen'.
"I think we should invite them to the party, they look down for the hype"
when something extremely dumb happens
guy 1 "smells like aids"
guy 2 "downs is happening"
Down heels are shoes that you use when you want to get down. And when you're done descending, switch your down heels to your regular shoes. (E.g. Cybertruck shoes)
Penisman: I want to get down but I don't have down heels
Man2: ok
Slang in schools for racist, homophobic assholes
Codester down just got suspended