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Big Wife Energy

The girl that will take care of you drunk, when she’s drunk. A true superstar who you should marry.

“Sarah took care of Ashley on Saturday”
“Sarah was shitfaced and still held her hair back and gave her water”

“Wow that’s Big Wife Energy”

by Yeehaw22 October 18, 2018

12👍 3👎

Small Dick Energy

When someone displays unattractive qualities like: toxic masculinity, cowardice, aggressiveness and other pitiful behavior.

For example: Insecure psychopath non-alpha male Leo Dottavio from the bachelorette reeks of small dick energy.

by Bachelorbabe August 29, 2018

232👍 126👎

Small Dick Energy

Emissions of toxic masculinity leaked from the bruised egos of micropenis hosts. (SDE)

Andrew Tate has a serious case of Small Dick Energy.

by SarcasticScout December 29, 2022

71👍 37👎

Bi wife energy

As gay tik tok has agreed: A straight guy who gives queer/ally vibes probably because his partner is bisexual.

Her boyfriend is a gamer boy with little spoon preference, he has so much bi wife energy.

by andream March 20, 2021

130👍 64👎

Fat Girl Energy

The equivalent of small dick energy. It has nothing to do with one's weight but everything to do with attitude. People with fat girl energy have a tendency to put others down in an attempt to elevate themselves, often disregarding the emotional effect it has on the person they are targeting. They come off as cocky with very little to back it up

Hannah keeps insulting her friends behind their backs for not making as much as them. That's some fat girl energy.

by EqualOpSpecialist March 14, 2023

18👍 2👎

Xbox Nigga Energy

the term Xbox nigga energy can be used when someone is being or IS gay. also when they have bad energy or when they are being a bitch

Oh nah nigga u gay, got that Xbox nigga energy

by xokosa October 11, 2019

11👍 2👎

Big Clit Energy

The confidence of anyone with a clitoris who lives their life going against the patriarchy and gender stereotypes

“You just asked that guy out on a date??? That’s big clit energy.” - fuck the patriarchy and their gender stereotypes

by Bigclitenergy123 May 22, 2020

30👍 14👎