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Bush Explosion

A queef. Also 9/11.

Did you hear her flappy bush explosion?? I smelled it!!

Sir…a second plane just hit the towers.

by Loberson December 12, 2023

Flavour Explosion

The whitest possible way to describe food thay tastes good

white people: woah this like, a flavour explosion in your mouth

waiter: sir please return that salt shaker

by lil goblin critter October 29, 2023

cocktacular explosion

A Cocktacular explosion is when you're jerking off to porn in a frat house with 12+ other dudes and you all cum at the same time creating a wall plastering explosion.

Man I'm so glad I got invited to Daniels frat party last night! All the bros were there with our eyes glued to the screen, like literally! There was a Cocktacular explosion and I was stuck to the screen!

by Eagleeye March 19, 2016

Squatanious Explosion

The horrible content that can come out of a YouTube video.

The newest video of said youtuber was so bad and horrific that I had to come up with a new word to describe its terribleness; Squatanious Explosion.

by EJDefines101 September 25, 2020

Nagashaki Explosion

When you place your urethra on her nostril you cum and your jizz looks like a nuclear mushroom and it feels like an explosion inside her nose

Guy 1: I gave tha bitch a nagashaki explosion yesterday
Guy 2: Dude you must really destroyed her nostrils

by Cocainebear18 December 15, 2022

explosive shit

either you think something is amazing or you have an illness or your food has been poisend but its interesting non the less

GUY 1: bro that was some explosive shit.
GUY 2: I'm not sure if that's a good thing

by nae nae nigga February 9, 2022

explosive shit

a really big amount of shit coming out of your anus, so big that it burns.

I'm about to take a explosive shit after eating Chipotle.

by Ayo pause?? April 29, 2023