The Shadowhunters fandom.
The Shadowhunters fandom is so extra, they raised over $20,000 for charity, hired a plane to fly over Netflix HQ, had billboards at Times Square and in Seoul, tweeted #SaveShadowhunters over 12M times, created their own Merchandise, named two stars, collected over 143.000 signatures on, and more to save their show from cancellation.
The Shadowhunters Famdom.
The Shadowhunters famdom is so extra, they hired a plane to fly over Netflix HQ, had billboards in Times Square and Seoul, had bikes and pedicabs at SDCC and collected over $20.000 for charity because their show was cancelled.
I can't believe you actually sent a fake email to Jonathon, that's so extra. You're such a Perri
The act of being over the top also known as Kevin
Stop being so extra. Stop being a Kevin.