Fishbowl fear- is a type of paranoia and is a side effect of a style of paranoia as a type of strange feeling about something you don’t know.. Then you find that you don’t fully understand the knowledge that you have.. Or you needed to see the knowledge you had in a different perspective to understand what you need to learn.. or .. You had a thought in a smaller spectrum of knowledge and then when you had more broadened knowledge you found the information you knew was not fully understood and or perhaps you war fooled..
After I bought that used car I had fishbowl fears for weeks until I found the tape flapping on side of the air intake..
Guy one: I haven't gotten laid in a while.
Guy two: there's always fear's mom
Not knowing what something is.
"God is an alien, dude!"
Jimmy had a fear of aliens.
Only idiots are scared of such a normal thing.
"My obese friend has a fear of vinegar."
"What an idiot, I bet he's scared of ketchup and tuna as well!"
Fear of vinegar is to find vinegar revolting, from the smell to the idea of it on food.
“Why don’t you want vinegar on your fish and chips?” “I have an intense fear of vinegar”
"Gooby Fears Destructor" or "JustGooby Fears Destructor / RichieGooby Fears Destructor" is a slogan and campaign led by the Youtuber Destructor which implicate his issues with alleged Roblox pedophile JustGooby. Destructor has made numerous factual videos and has exposed JustGooby's illegal behavior online, which led to JustGooby being fearful of Destructor and ghosted him when Destructor confronted Gooby on Discord. The belief is that Gooby is afraid of confrontation, which is why the slogan was made. Gooby fears Destructor and the numerous other people apart of the campaign against him.
Christian: Destructor, Thank you for exposing JustGooby.
Destructor: np gooby fears me
Christian: Gooby fears destructor
Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events also known as "FOMOPFE" is a mental state or emotional of strain.
When a Person have Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events this Person can't go to small events or enjoy time because they have the Fear of Missing Out larger events which could potentially happen.
Even though John is really exited to go to the Party he can't go to it because he got the fear of Missing other potentially happening event in the News/Media or if he goes to the Party he can't enjoy it because he keeps checking his Phone for News if something is happening he could miss.
> I can't go to the Party i have Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events