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gabby gad

a ghetto black person who smells bad

ur just like gabby gad

by Realotaku on twitch December 6, 2024

National Gabby Awareness

When someone is offended really easily you would consider them as a gabby. Example would be calling gabby, her, instead of they. They are considered to be liberal bitches who use there boyfriends success as there own. If you see a weird girl with blue hair who gets offended easily for not identifying her as a helicopter she would be considered a gabby.

National Gabby Awareness

Normal person: Hello how are you?
Gabby: Excuse me? You? Hold my hydro flask while i tweet ab how offended i am.

by NickJisGay October 30, 2019

Getting Gabbied

Getting so drunk that you throw up all all night and the next morning and are intoxicated for the next week.

We're planning on getting gabbied this weekend so don't expect me to function correctly for the next week.

by crazy8'stosexy7's October 18, 2012

zakk and gabby

Zakk and gabby are two people who are cute and like each other they are best friends and they are like two peads in a pod and should never stop being best friends and liking each other

Did you see zakk and gabby they are so cute together

by Zakk and gabby November 23, 2019

National Bully Gabby Day

December 17th, it's a day to bully all Gabbys that you know and love (or hate, it doesn't matter)

"Yo, it's National Bully Gabby Day! Let's go harrass Gabby!"
"Hell yeah, dude! Let's go beat the shit out of them!"

by ohitsgeode February 28, 2022

Gabby and lucas

Two “best friends” who would flirt very often and have now just recently gotten together without tell one of there besties “eexposinglucasandgabby” aka “Cian” that there together but told a bunch of random people

Gabby and Lucas think everything eachother do is hot

by eexposinglucasandgabby July 15, 2021

Gabby Jordan

the kindest, most honest, genuine, and beautiful human being you’ll ever meet

“Gabby Jordan is such an amazing friend.”
“Yeah, I know. I love her.”

by 🐂🐑🐏🐖 July 9, 2022