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This is a guy who has a very nice life. He always strives to achieve his goals and let’s nothing get in his way. He absolutely hates having fun, especially when it comes to video games. He thinks they are a waste of time.

Hey look, Harrison is studying again.

by Mteike33 September 3, 2018


A pan man who can ran with a can of banned anne nan crayon plan chan jam kyrgystan murexan

he is gay ™
atheist ok
Floccinaucinihilipilification Trichotillomania Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Tergiversation
pray to the atheist gods or you will go to atheist hell on atheist god
Now with maximum efficiency (in bed)
not shmecksy
no hose=no drink
Like for Part 2

Harrison is oddballs

by TheFrostBeing June 3, 2022


A term for someone who is short.

Short Lives Matter! (and especially Harrison's)

by 420noscopemaster69 August 15, 2021


Anyone with a 50 to 50 ratio forehead and an 80 to 20 torso.

Hey look its harrison

by Harrison L May 18, 2023


he likes tasteful side boob and is a #pussylover.

harrison: i like dick and sideboob

Me: okay

by lollypop123456789010 July 25, 2018


A big pussy that can't mind his own business

Harrison is a pussy boy

by NONAME#%^ April 11, 2022


That's a good story. I don't think I've seen that one yet... Vaguely analogous to my thing too so... Yeah, I would probably enjoy it more if I wasn't BEING SOCIALLY IMPRISONED BY A CAGE MADE OF MY OWN INCREDULITY AND POVERTY but, you know...

Hym "Yeah, that Harrison story is pretty fuckin morbid... Especially in the context of my situation... I'm sure it'll all work out." know,

by Hym Iam June 8, 2024