a person who has an un-holy vendetta against the networking website myspace. this demographic consists of everyone in the entire world apparently, although they all have all out profiles with 1000's of friends.
myspace hater: "man, myspace is soo gay. everyone that has one is gay."
*runs off to the library to check his profile and crys because he has no new friend requests.*
77๐ 36๐
1. An intelligent person who hates 'sluts' and 'players' because he or she views them as the scum of the earth. These types are not commonly 'jealous', just disgusted by stupidity. Will sometimes ruin their 'game' out of spite and/or distaste for pure idiocy.
2. A lowlife idiot who actually is jealous of players success. This is even more stupid than the 'players' themselves, because it involves coveting something utterly worthless.
1. John is a 'player hater'. He thinks that 'players' are animalistic morons who should be rounded up and shot. He doesn't give a shit about screwing ten women.
2. Joe is a 'player hater'. He whines all the time how he never gets chicks and desperately tries to screw 'players' over. He's probably just as stupid as them.
605๐ 343๐
Someone who hates everything apple, the iPod, the iPhone, the iMac and all the other i products.
Matt: Stop just getting out your iPhone to show off, you're such an idiot.
Tom: Just coz ur an apple hater
Matt: Yeah, and?
25๐ 9๐
People that have good reason to hate the douchebaggery of those who purport their self-righteous sense of superiority because of a $150 appliance literally anyone can afford but choose not to lead of a life of complete jackassery. The iPhone's cost is a complete non-issue whereas it costs roughly the same as comparable smartphones which makes it very sad some iPhone dbags actually try to gratify themselves even more so by truly believing everyone else couldn't possibly allocate one week's pay to buy one like they so cleverly did.
Yes, iPhone haters have many reasons to hate these pretentious smug self-centered egomaniacs. Though it appears amazing iPhone haters can restrain themselves not to drill these morons in the suckhole when they can't function without reminding you how their shiny technology has saved them like that Jesus guy, it's probably because most iPhone haters actually possess some semblance of social discipline.
Tom: Hey guys, if you want I can split the bill on my iPhone and then load up an app to find a great place to get coffee.
Brian: Or I could just use basic arithmetic I learned in third grade, double and move the decimal point to the left for the tip and divide by 3 for the bill which I'm still capable of--unlike you apparently.
Mike: Ye, and I think the Beanery coffee shop around the corner would be great instead of randomly shaking one out of your app that's 10 miles from here.
Tom: You guys are just iPhone haters!
Brian: Yes. Yes we are. Now put it away for once and eat your food.
172๐ 91๐
The type of person who hates the massive multiplayer game "runescape" for no apparent reason commonly stating that the players have no lives.
It is common to expect a runescape hater in a forum to jump in a topic that lightly mentions it and reply saying the game is gay in most cases.
They are quite similar to anime haters.
"Runescape haters need to learn how to forget it even exists."
"Sure the community can be horrible at times, but it's no reason to go all "LOLZ ITS GHEY" like a runescape hater all the time"
173๐ 93๐
1. Ignorant fools who just can't accept the fact that Kobe is just better than most of your favourite bball players.
2. Those idiots who finally had the chance to diss Kobe after the sex-assualt case, which, didn't prove he did it.
3. Sad group of jealous morons who specially pick out Kobe's mistakes in order to put him down. Let me tell you this, anyone would as bad as Kobe if you do so on anyone.
4. Idiots who always bring up the same lame arguements about Kobe. eg. Ball hog. As the matter of fact, the Lakers are still winning games, still going to the playoffs, and Kobe is still better than you.
Hater: Kobe's 81 is INsignificant.
Person: lol... what is then? you Kobe hater.
183๐ 99๐
A sane, productive member of society who deals with their problems rather than sit around and complain about how the man is keeping them down.
Juggalo Haters tend to have decent taste in music; music with well-thought out, meaningful lyrics and melodies. This typically accompanies positive messages therein. In addition to their superior musical preferences, haters also tend to have well-paying jobs (lawyers, doctors, politicians, ect.) because they decided it would be prudent to do their work in school and apply themselves in life. Haters also typically make it a point to avoid trouble with the law.
Contrary to Juggalos, Juggalo Haters embrace education, intelligence, literacy, and rational thought processes. Haters can also distinguish between a hatchet and a meat cleaver.
Juggalo Hater: Nice meat cleaver, man! I've been looking everywhere for one like that!
Juggalo gets belligerent at this statement and calls his nearby friends to help him jump the hater because everyone knows Juggalos can't fight one-on-one. Juggalo Hater gets badly beaten, hit with meat cleaver, and is left for dead. Hater is a doctor and so he is able to stabilize the wound after the Juggalos leave until help arrives. Juggalo Hater survives and hires a Juggalo Hater lawyer, pressing charges for multiple felonious offenses. Juggalos get sent to prison.
Juggalos: :(
Juggalo Hater: :D
Juggalo Hater goes on to live a full, successful life while the Juggalos rot in prison and become Bubba's new favorite fuckdoll.
85๐ 42๐