A joyous occasion bringing all peoples together in the relatively holiday-less month of August, celebrated on the 222nd day of the year, August 10th. Originally "Día del Primer Grito de Independencia de Quito," Quito (Ecuador) Independence day, the tradition of celebration has translated to all walks of life via the magic of the internet. Because most people can't be bothered to say "Día del Primer Grito de Independencia de Quito," the term "international awesome day" was adopted instead.
I had an awesome International Awesome Day, there was fireworks and cake!
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Gay people thinking for themselves
"He just disagrees with me because he has internalized homophobia."
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Because everybody in the world celebrates new years eve. Not just America... And they party way harder too. Aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi
During the night before InterNational Hangover day... Getting on public transport and befriending anyone who'll tell them wat state they ended up in, and to help them get home again. Even if they're 600ks away from home with nothing. And being 16 year old to boot.
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Raha international school is a school where they’d fight over each others ex’s a very horny school most of them are in year 10
This girl is so horny, I think she’s in raha international school
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A celebration that sounds absolutely fake, yet still exists.
"yo bro it's international penis day"
"excuse me?"
It’s where if you see a fanpage on your fyp, you have to like, comment, copylink and follow or you have bad luck until next years international fanpage day (November 21)
“Imagine being a FANPAGE!”
“Hey, it’s international fanpage day!”
“Omg I’m so sorry! I liked, commented, copylinked and followed!”
Hell but worse. HOW CAN WE FOCUS WITH ONLY 5 MINUTE RECESS?!??? Plus, a shit ton a homework. Highly don't recommend.
Greg: What school do you go to?
Chris: Joy International School, aka a hell hole.