An internet-savvy person who knows about numerous websites, blogs, etc. and how to get the most out of them. Anyone can use Google to find something after enough digging; but an internet ninja knows exactly what websites to go to for immediate answers or solutions. They are swift and lethal, in and out before you even know it...with whatever they want--just like a ninja.
Can I commission the use of your internet ninja skills to help me out with this dilemma?
20๐ 2๐
An individual, often pretentious, that takes huge leaps of logic in order to claim an understanding of the real-world persona of someone they come in contact with through the internet. This is usually in an argument or debate, as internet psychologists usually love to think they are right about everything.
They have a tendency to point out things that people say and use them as evidence to "prove" they are a certain way in real life. Often, they are wrong, as they tend to stretch the truth of the facts they are given to fit a negative image of the person they are "evaluating" and just come across looking like complete tools.
Internet Psychologist: You're obviously someone ugly who can't get a girl and is trying to downplay it by saying you don't think this attractive girl is attractive.
Normal Person: Dude, all I said was that I personally am not into redheads. Stop being an internet psychologist.
14๐ 1๐
When you've been satisfied with the copious amounts of porn you've viewed, and done with all your blogging, you get this strange feeling. At that moment, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SATISFIED WITH BROWSING ON THE INTERNET. You have an uncontrollable urge to get out of your house, and actually get a life.
Chuck: Hey dude, "wuts up"!
Charles: Damn nigga"internet satisfaction" finally hit yo dumbass!"
15๐ 1๐
When your computer or laptop begins to malfunction whilst on the internet, rather by strange and unusual noises, popups, or just turning off. All the work of the dreaded Internet Bats.
Last night my computer got attacked by Internet Bats, my whole internet turned off.
14๐ 1๐
It's serious fucking business. Get yo shit togheter.
noob: sry guise ive to go lunch wid my wifey
CEO: Sweet semen of baby jesus, Internet Spaceships are serious business, divorce her and improve the pew pew!
14๐ 1๐
when one instant messages somebody, and unknowing to the other person, begins jerking it in conversation
a man had 15 IM windows open, and was jerking it, therefore he internet raped 15 people..
79๐ 15๐
Born of the typical male concept that the size of one's male sexual organ detirmines one's attractiveness, intelligence, strength, prowess, social status, and overall value in life, the size of one's "internet penis" is a handy, unified measure of one's cumulative internet je ne sais quoi... how large one looms on the vast virtual landscape of the interwebs.
Internet Penis size can be effected by the uberness of one's computer, skills/skillz, general knowledge and the ability to bring it to bear in forums and chat rooms, or any other quality that causes those around you to react along the lines of "woah. pwnage."
Synonymous with e-penis
+5 if used in jest, -15 if used seriously.
You're the only one in the forum who knew how to get the unix server back online, how to make Dreamweaver sort my stylesheets correctly, where to get the latest photoshop plug-ins, -and- how to get past level 66 in "Legend of Binkly". Your internet penis is -huge-.
40๐ 6๐