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white trash

A person, or group of persons, who exhibit the following characteristics:

-own more than three yard cars and/or two RVs which must be up on blocks. An extension cord running to the RV is necessary to complete the look. Optional is the standard issue blue tarp covering one or more of the vehicles.

-Huntin' hounds, as many as possible.

-Attack chickens.

-Standard issue Mullet, Nascar shirt(may be substituted with an Stone Cold Steve Austin 3:16 shirt), and acid wash or camofluage pants.

-Unusual fondness for their siblings.

-Still in mourning over Dale Earnhardt.

Some good places to spot these specimens are the local drag races, Costco during food sample time, and DMV.

Bobby Joe's mullet makes him look so white trash.

by hunter June 23, 2004

2788๐Ÿ‘ 899๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Ranger

1. One of the original Power Ranger that stole all of the red rangers glory beacuse of his gay long hair and pretty boy looks.

2. A member of an evil party known as the BNP

1. Wow the red ranger is kicking ass do you think he'll beat Rita Repulsa?...oh wait here comes the white ranger to steel all of the red rangers glory, what a cunt.

2. The asians in the local village were peacfully living their lives, until the BNP gained two seats in the European elections. The BNP are cunts.

by Kazzlid June 18, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

white botulism

White girls that like inner city guys. Also tries to fit into inner city culture by:

1) Listens endlessly to Tupac and Biggie

2) Reads Ebony all day, and

3)works in a Mcjob!

Look at Lisa over there all over that inner city guy!

by Piranha July 12, 2005

59๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Girl

A person who:
wears uggs
wears yoga pants
drinks starbucks
corrects your grammar
has a white iphone
often has extensions
and denies they're a white girl

Girl 1: *Gets starbucks while wearing yoga pants and uggs*
Girl 2: "Omg your such a white girl!"
Girl 1: "You're"

by ImNotAWhiteGirlISwear January 12, 2014

771๐Ÿ‘ 234๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Person

A person who has origins relating to or directly from the continent of Europe, especially those who are from the Northern and Western areas.

The suspect for the robbery was a white person, male, about 20 years of age.

by Strawberry Pterodactyls August 17, 2018

239๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

white delight

when a sexually oppressed white girl from have sex with too many squishy soft white penises has sex with a man from latin african or asian descent and experiences an actual orgasm.

after having sex with only soft squishy pillow white penises for so long she finally had an orgasm when fucking the big black dick and the hard asian dick and spicy latino dick she had major white delight

by trebully November 12, 2009

840๐Ÿ‘ 261๐Ÿ‘Ž

White devil

A term; often derogatory but not always, that is used to refer to people of Caucasian descent, especially within the context of the historical events in which they played villains e.g. Colonialism, Slavery, apartheid, Jewish holocaust, genocide of Native Americans, subjugation of Aboriginals, racism, racism, racism etc.

First, the white devils send the Christian missionaries to convert the natives, then germs like smallpox to kill or reduce the population, and finally they come in droves to take the land and other resources!

by HakunaMatataKing December 29, 2018

233๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž