Adida's overpriced version of roshies. That was created by Kanye west
Did Kanye drop those super exclusive yeezy shoesthat's going to sell out less than a minute?
One who can count properly (1,2,twee,4,5,double twee,7,8), is in the twee squad, and is authorized to purify people’s souls. It’s a profession. Alternate spelling- Shoo-hak.
Pronounced Shoooo-ha-ck
I wanna be a shoe-hack when I grow up!
To get back at someone when a problem cannot be discussed openly.
"If you can't get into Mrs. Cole's class, you might as well shoe Bush...!"
Shoes made specially for people with odd shape feet usually suffering from cabbage foot syndrome or shaped like a wired vegetable often at 90 degree angles which can be great for football for getting mad curve and whipage.
Shane "Has your Government Shoes come yet Earl". Earl "No!! But the better come soon! How the hell can I shoplift dog nuts to feed to the hoes in the basement without fresh crepes!"
A code word for a secret hook up, usually involving cash or friends.
Wanna go get some dress shoes?
When your black shoes so shiny
My black shoes so shiny they tinfoil shoes
when u licking the pussy and she squirts in your boots
Bro i was having sex with her and she gave me pilgrim shoes!